This is everything I make in one place.

Who knows how deep it goes?

Out of Depth Plays

This is my concept of an actual play podcast. Each season is a self-contained story in which me and my friends play a different table top role playing game. I edit and sound design each episode so that they straddle the line between an actual play and an improvised audio drama.

Waves Beyond Limit

This is a portal to my world building articles, which are being hosted at World Anvil, a website that specializes in world building organization.

I use elements of this world in a lot of my fiction and the podcast Out of Depth Plays, creating a kind of unified space where stories evolve from.

It’s a living document of articles, snap shots, and ephemera from a strange place inspired from the cyberpunk future from my youth.


Yeah, I got a youtube channel. There you’ll find some video essays about TTRPGS, storytelling, movies, I dunno man, whatever I feel like saying in front of a camera.

Pixel Art.

Here’s a gallery of art work I’m experimenting with. You can find more commentary about my process, as I learn, on the blog.

Dungeon 23

I took part in a project where, I tried to write a room a day for a potential mega dungeon. I did not make it the whole year, but I really really like the main three levels that I finished. I’d love to come back to this, as I did have some cool ideas for future levels. Maybe I will.